Kënga Magjike 2004

Kënga Magjike 06 took place in the 1 Tetori Auditorium in Pristina, Kosovo.There were two semifinals and a final. 30 songs competed for the win but only 1 won the show, while others were awarded different prizes. In the end, Irma Libohova won the first prize, making this her second victory. Yllka Kuqi was the runner-up. The winner was determined by the singers who voted for each other.

The Results

1Irma LibohovaPrapë Tek Ti Do Të Vij?
2Yllka KuqiDhe Të Dua?
3Pirro ÇakoLetër Dashurie?

Voting Procedure

The singers voted for each other to determine the ranking of the songs, while the jury decided most of the other prizes. Televoting was used for the "Public's Prize".

The Jury

1Çmimi I KritikësCritic's PrizeIrma LibohovaPrapë Tek Ti Do Të Vij
2Vokali Më I MirëBest VocalYllka KuqiDhe Të Dua
3Çesk ZadejaÇesk ZadejaPirro ÇakoLetër Dashurie
4Çmimi TelevizivTelevision PrizeMimoza MustafaRobnesha
5Paraqitja SkenikeStage PresenceAdrian GaxhaKu Je Xhan
6Kantautori Më I MirëBest SongwriterRedon MakashiNatë E Fundit
7Etno-MuzikëEthno MusicJonida MaliqiNuk Kam Faj Që Robëroj
8Magjia E ParëFirst MagicBurim HoxhaLozonjarja
9Çmimi DiskografikDiscography PrizeAlketa VejsiuPo S'më Puthe Ti
10Çmimi I InterpretimitBest InterpretationFlori MumajesiGjithmonë Do Jem Me Ty
11Çmimi I PublikutPublic's PrizeLedina ÇeloNjë Ishull Që Nuk Ekziston
12Kënga HitHit SongShpat KasapiShuje
13Çmimi ProduksionProduction PrizeEdona LlalloshiIka Nga Ti


Playback was used.

Guest Artists