Junji Yayoshi

Junji Yayoshi was a Japanese guitarist and record producer.

Personal life, biography

He was a former member of the music unit stereo criminals. After the dissolution of the unit, he made a full-scale start of activities as a guitarist, provided, arranged, and produced his music to other artists. He was a support guitarist for Kōji Kikkawa and aiko, and also worked for them as an arranger.
He served as the second generation guitarist of the back band Gyakutai Glycogen of singer-songwriter Ringo Sheena, whom he married in November 2000. They divorced in January 2002.
In 1999, he co-produced Kaori Kawamura's solo project "Sorrow" which resumed her music activities.
From 2009 to 2010, he produced a single and album for Shunsuke Kiyokiba, in which he helped in making the rock sounds.
He died at hospital due to illness at 21:31 on 26 January 2018. He was 49. According to Yahyoshi's affiliation office, he had been fighting illness for about two and a half years until his death, but said he was not releasing the details of his illness.

Works, arrangements, productions