JIS semiconductor designation
has standard JIS-C-7012 for semiconductor part numbers. The first digit denotes the p-n junction count ; then follows the letter "S", then:
2nd letter | Type of semiconductor |
| Diode |
A | high frequency PNP BJTs |
B | audio frequency PNP BJTs |
C | high frequency NPN BJTs |
D | audio frequency NPN BJTs |
E | Diode |
F | Thyristor |
G | Gunn diode |
H | UJT |
J | P-channel FETs |
K | N-channel FETs |
Q | LED |
R | Rectifier |
S | Signal diode |
T | Avalanche diode |
V | Varicap |
Z | Zener Diode |
Then follows the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association's Electronic DEvice REgistration Center -assigned part number, optionally followed by suffixes to denote variants, such as tighter hFE groupings.
Example: 2SD965, but sometimes the "2S" prefix is not marked on the package – a 2SD965 might only be marked "D965"; a 2SC1815 might be listed by a supplier as simply "C1815", thus possibly creating confusion with Pro Electron abbreviated markings, because a transistor marked "D965" might either be a 2SD965 or a BD965.