Irinel Popescu

Irinel Popescu, M.D. is a Romanian surgeon., he was the manager of the Department of Surgery and Liver Transplantation at the Fundeni Clinical Institute.

Early life and education

Irinel Popescu was born in Filiași on April 22, 1953. He studied medicine at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest and graduated in 1977.


Popescu became a Specialist Surgeon in 1983, and in 1990, he became a General Surgeon, getting PhD from Carol Davila University Bucharest. From 1992 to 1995, he worked abroad in various locations. First, he worked in the Charite Hospital of Berlin, Germany for two weeks. Second, he worked in the Hôpital Paul-Brousse of Villejuif, France for two months. Third, he moved to the USA, where he spent half of a year at Pittsburgh University and around three years at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. After his training, he had experience exchanges with institutions from Munich, Hamburg, Cape Town, South Africa, Essen, Athens, and Milan.
After years of training and specializing, Popescu was appointed to manage the Sanitary Department of Bucharest in 1997. Also in 1997, Popescu, along with a group of other scientists, established Romtransplant, a professional organization for raising awareness of the importance of organs transplantation through several arranged national congresses. In 1998, he was appointed the Director of the Institute for Postgraduate Training of Physicians and Pharmacists. Between 1999 and 2000, he served as Viceminister of Health. Currently, Popescu guides and trains, on permanent basis, students from Faculty of Medicine of Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
He became famous in Romania after being performing the country's first liver transplant in 2000 after returning from USA. In the following years, he performed and oversaw more than 450 liver transplants and 1500 liver resections. He was also nominated to be the Expert of the European Council in matters of transplants.
During 2004-2008, he was a senator in the Romanian Parliament and served as Chairman of National Education Committee from the Romanian Parliament. In 2006, he established the Romanian Association of Hepato-biliary-pancreatic and Liver Transplantation, becoming its president.
In 2013, Popescu was elected to serve as a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy.

Awards and honors

Popescu has been awarded through induction as a Member of the Academy of Sciences and by receiving a Honoris Causa of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova, Honoris Causa of the University "Ovidius" of Constanta, a Honorary Professor position at the University "Ovidius" of Constanta, and a Honorary Professor position at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures.
For his dedication, professionalism, and medical achievements, he has been internationally endorsed, receiving teacher degree from the ISSO. For his extraordinary merits in liver surgery and organ transplants, he has been awarded with the "Romanian Star", the title of High Ranking Officer, the Romanian Academy's "Iuliu Hatieganu" Award, a Merit Diploma from Health Ministry, and the Physicists College of Romania's 2001 Award for Outstanding Achievement for scientific activity in the field of surgical specialties.
Two years later, he received the award "The Best Surgeon of 2006", mostly attributed to positive results in a survey conducted by CURS, TNS-CSOP, IMAS, and INSOMAR, as well as the highly-reported rank granted to the Romanian physicist by the jury of "Ten for Romania".
All of these efforts led to the establishment of the National Transplant Agency in 2005, an organization which he was elected to serve as President of the Board. The election served as a recognition of his contribution of establishing a National Program of Organ Transplants in Romania. From 2006 onward, this program was officially financed by the Ministry of Health.


For the field of Liver Surgery, Popescu
For the field of Digestive Oncology, Popescu
For the field of Laparoscopic Surgery, Popescu
For the field of Robotic Surgery
Popescu has organized various events with national and international impact:
He has been a member of the National Academy of Surgery since 2003, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons since 2005, a honorary member of Academy of Sciences of Moldova since 2007, a permanent Member of the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences, and a permanent Member of Romanian Academy of Sciences.
Popescu was elected to review the publications Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, Hepato-gastroenterology Surgery, and European Journal of Surgical Oncology.