Information consulting

Information consulting is an interactive process in which librarians and information professionals partner with faculty and students, facilitating teaching and research. The information consultant cultivates active partnerships with students and scholars, collaborating on the design of meaningful learning experiences for students and providing relevant information.
Elements of information literacy and scholarly information are integrated into the consulting relationship. To remain relevant, librarians and information professionals are supposed to become effective consultants. By engaging scholars in an active consulting program, librarians, and as a result the library as a whole, are actively integrated into the scholarly activities of the academic institution. Librarians and libraries that do not become effectively networked on campuses via consulting will be less relevant and will not be included in scholarly communications and research processes. This will affect status as well as budgets, available resources, and services.
Information consulting is a service of the eclectic model that reflects both the classical and experimental library periods. The title "Information Consultant" reflects a businesslike approach to information services, and the consultant's focus on the importance of in-depth service and information literacy skills is an outgrowth of tiered reference experiments. With information consulting's emphasis on extensive interaction with clients and active support of their information needs, the consultant becomes indispensable to clients and their organizations. Information consulting helps leading companies transform business objectives into innovative solutions.