Iđut AS is a Norwegian publisher, based in Ikkaldas, Indre Billefjord in Porsanger. It publishes novels, children's books, text books and school books, general literature, music and films. It also has
a magazine, Š, for youth.
The main language of the publisher is Northern Sami, but it also publishes in Lule Sami, Southern Sami, Kven, and Norwegian.
The head of the organisation, as of 2006 is Åge Persen. Chief editor is Nan Persen.Music
- Karen Anne Buljo, Ábifruvvá
- Torgeir Vassvik, Sáivu, joik/jazz, produced by Arve Henriksen
- Lars-Ánte Kuhmunens, Birrasis, produced by Georg Buljo
- Karine Jacobsen and Kine Johansen, Kadonu Ioru Kven pop
- Ole Larsen Gaino, Luođis luohtái 3
- Tanabreddens Ungdom, Deatnogátte Nuorat – Buoremusat
- Johan A. Andersen, Hoi hoi, mun lávlestan
- Elen Inga Eira Sara, Mathis M. Gaup and Ole Larsen Gaino, Luođis luohtái 2
- Ella Holm Bull, Laavlomh maanide
- Tanabreddens Irene Pettersen and Tore S. Aslaksen, Deatnogátte Irene ja Tore
- Ella Holm Bull, Jåvle-laavlomh Christmas songs
- Mr. Swingstang, Mr. Swingstang
- Marit Hætta Øverli, Ohcame produced by Svein Dag Hauge
- Frode Fjellheim Jazz Joik Ensemble, Saajve Dans
- Marie Kemi, Anne Kristine Gaup and Lennart Kullgren, Mun gal máhtán
- Sverre Porsanger with Tone Åse, Lávlu lávlla, written by Eino Leino
- Orbina, Orbina
- Elen Inga Eira Sara, Ole Larsen Gaino, Inga Gaup Tornensis and Mathis M. Gaup, Luođis luohtái
- Frode Fjellheim, Mijjen vuelieh
- Mari Boine, Gula gula
- Sáve, Ále mana vuos