
Huánuco is a city in central Peru. It had a population of 196,627 as of 2017 and in 2015 it had a population of 175,068. It is the capital of the Huánuco Region and the Huánuco District. It is the seat of the diocese of Huánuco. The metropolitan city of Huanuco is 170,000 hab. It has three districts, Huanuco, Amarilis, and Pillco Marca. In this city, the Higueras river meets the Huallaga river, one of the largest rivers in the country.


The city of Huánuco was founded by Spanish conquistador Gómez de Alvarado in 1539, in the Inca town of Yarowilca. In 1541, the city was moved to its current location in the Pillco Valley.



Huánuco has a mild semi-arid climate. The temperatures are pleasant throughout the year due to its elevation.



It is served by the Alférez FAP David Figueroa Fernandini Airport. One of the main highways of the country passes by Huanuco, communicating Lima-Callao with Tingo Maria and Pucallpa in the Peruvian Amazonia. Fwank