House of the Sun

House of the Sun is a Japanese slice of life romance shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Ta'amo, serialized by Kodansha in Dessert magazine. The series has completed with 13 volumes. The first volume was released on September 13, 2010 and the final volume was released on June 24, 2015. It won the 38th Kodansha Manga Award for Best Shōjo in 2014. The story revolves around the life and difficulties of Mao Motomiya and the Nakamuras. The series received a drama CD adaptation bundled with limited edition pressings of the fifth and sixth volumes. The manga has been licensed for an English digital release by Kodansha USA.


A Tokyo resident, Mao liked to spend her time with the Nakamura family ever since she was a kid. Having troubled circumstances at home, she found happiness at the Nakamura household. However, the feelings of ease vanish when Mr. and Mrs. Nakamura died after a tragic incident. Mao, now a high school student, loses her sanctuary; her parents are divorced, and her father has decided to remarry. Hiro Nakamura, Mao's childhood friend, learns of her parents' abandonment of her and offers Mao to live with him. Mao decides to stay there until she can make up with her father and return to her original home. As they spend their days together, Hiro and Mao grow closer once again. They wait for Hiro's siblings, who had parted ways since their parents' death, to come back and live together. Mao's goal is to turn the home into "the house of magic, a place filled with both laughter and tears" once again.


Main characters

; Mao Motomiya
; Hiro Nakamura
; Daiki Nakamura

Supporting characters

; Chihiro or Chī-chan
; Oda
; Ai Sugimoto


;Hina Nakamura
;Yuzuno Hironaka
;Kaitou Motomiya''
;Yui Motomiya
;Mrs. Motomiya
;Mr. Nakamura
;Mrs. Nakamura

Other characters

;Aoi Matsumoto


Volume 5 reached the 19th place on the weekly Oricon manga chart and, as of February 19, 2012, has sold 36,674 copies; volume 6 also reached the 19th place and, as of June 17, 2012, has sold 40,564 copies; volume 9 reached the 44th place and, as of September 22, 2013, has sold 44,131 copies; volume 10 reached the 6th place and, as of February 16, 2014, has sold 39,452 copies.
It won the award for Best Shōjo Manga at the 38th Kodansha Manga Awards.