Hot Date
Hot Date is an American comedy television series created by, and starring, Emily Axford and Brian K. Murphy. The series premiered on Pop on November 8, 2017. On January 30, 2019, the series was renewed for a second season which premiered on September 20, 2019.Cast
- Emily Axford as Em
- Brian K. Murphy as Murph
- Will Arnett as Sam Keurig
- Kevin Pollak as Father
- John Albaugh as Tucker
- Carisa Barreca as Sue
- Alison Becker as Libby
- Joel Boyd as Bernard
- Brooke Breit as Tawney
- Bria Cloyd as Nikki
- Brianne Fitzpatrick as Kara
- Jon Gabrus as Luke
- Patrick Gough as Travis
- Terence Bernie Hines as James
- Alison Banowsky as Ivy
- Ben Schwartz as Ian
- Japhet Balaban as Nick
- Ashlyn Hughes as Caitlin
- Erin Long as Kiki
- Vernon Mina as Lorne
- Kiley B. Moore as Ginny
- Scott Morehead as Cooper
- Cody Reiss as Gordo
- David Smith as Jaden
- Tien Tran as Laura
- Travis Turner as Mike
- Kimberly Michelle Vaughn as Rachel
Season 2