Holy Apostles College and Seminary

Holy Apostles College and Seminary is a Roman Catholic seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. It was founded in 1956 on a property in Cromwell by the Very Reverend Eusebe M. Menard, O.F.M., to provide a program of education and formation for men intending to enter the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church.


Holy Apostles began as a college level, preparatory seminary, which Franciscan Eusebe Menard entrusted to the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles. In 1972, Holy Apostles, in view of declining enrollment, began admitting non-seminarians, women included.


The school is a regionally accredited college and seminary. The college and seminary is accredited by the Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education and by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
All degrees are recognized by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and the State of Connecticut. Members of its Board of Directors include the bishops of Connecticut with the Bishop of Norwich as Chancellor.
The institution places heavy emphasis on the academic disciplines of philosophy and theology in the context of the Catholic honors liberal arts curriculum. Half of the undergraduate courses are a part of the required core. This includes a distribution of courses in theology, philosophy, English, and history.
In 2014, the State of Connecticut Office of Higher Education approved the college for a 100% online undergraduate program. The following year, the institution lowered its tuition 28% to $320 per credit hour because of its mission to cultivate Catholic leaders for the purpose of evangelization.