
Hiddat is a 2017 Pakistani television romantic drama serial aired on GEO TV, written by Samra Bukhari. Directed by Ahmed Kamran, it was produced by Abdullah Kadwani and Asad Qureshi under the 7th Sky Entertainment banner. The serial stars Arij Fatyma, Adeel Chaudhry, Farhan Malhi and Seemi Pasha.


A romantic-at-heart Nimra has a carefree home life. Her engagement to Adnan however feels like an end to all exciting possibilities, until she meets the free-spirited Farhad.
With a wild attempt to escape from the shackles of her home, Nimra runs away from home to live with Farhad. Adnan ties the knot with Nimra's younger sister Aqsa to take revenge from ex-fiancé.
Unfortunately, Nimra is met with rejection from Farhad's family. Her impulsive decision leaves her at the mercy of her sister-in-law, Aqeela's widower Uncle's place.
Will Nimra ever find her way back to peace? Or will one reckless decision shape her entire destiny?


The original soundtrack of "Hiddat" is composed and sung by Faakhir Mehmood and Rose Merry. The lyrics are penned down by S.K Khalish.