Hermiona Asachi
Hermiona Asachi, also known as Hermione Asachi, was a Romanian writer and translator.
The daughter of Kiriaco Melirato and Elena Tauber, she was born as Glichieria Melirato in Vienna; was adopted by Gheorghe Asachi, second husband of her mother In 1840, she published a collection of stories from the Bible Istoria sfântă pentru tinerimea moldo-română. She translated texts by Silvio Pellico and Benjamin Franklin into Romanian for the publication Albina Românească. She moved to France in 1845, where she published Mémoires d’exile and Cinquante ans d’amitié: Michelet-Quinet under the name Hermiona Quimet. Asachi corresponded with various French intellectuals such as Victor Hugo, Jules Michelet and Louis Blanc.
She was first married to. In 1852, she married the French historian Edgar Quinet. She edited some of Quinet's texts for publication.
Asachi died in Paris at the age of 78.