1874: La Comète à Paris, revue in 3 acts and 10 tableaux, with Henri Blondeau
1874: Ah ! c'est donc toi Mme la Revue !..., revue in 3 acts and dix tableaux, with Blondeau
1875: Pif-Paf, féerie in 5 acts, including 1 prologue and 20 tableaux, with Blondeau and Clairville
1875: La revue à la vapeur, actualité parisienne in 1 act and 3 tableaux, with Blondeau and Paul Siraudin
1876: L'Ami Fritz-Poulet, parodie à la fourchette, mêlée de chansons à boire et à manger, en deux services, deux entremets et un dessert, with Blondeau
1877: Les Environs de Paris, voyage d'agrément in 4 acts and 8 tableaux, with Blondeau
1883: Une nuit de noces, folie-vaudeville in 1 act, with Blondeau
1884: Au clair de la lune, revue in 4 acts and 8 tableaux, with Blondeau and Georges Grisier
1885: Pêle-mêle gazette, revue in 4 acts and 7 tableaux, with Blondeau and Grisier
1885: La Serinette de Jeannot, vaudeville in 1 act, with Blondeau
1885: Les Terreurs de Jarnicoton, vaudeville-pantomime in 1 act, with Blondeau
1886: Paris en général, revue in 4 acts and 10 tableaux, with Blondeau and Grisier
1886: Le Petit Canuchon, vaudeville in 4 acts, with Grisier
1887: Mam'zelle Clochette, vaudeville in 1 act, with Blondeau
1887: Paris-cancans, revue in 3 acts and 8 tableaux, with Blondeau
1887: La Petite Francillon, little parody in 1 little prologue, 3 littles acts eand 2 littles intermissions, with Blondeau and Alphonse Lemonnier
1888: Paris-boulevard, revue in 3 acts, 8 tableaux, with Blondeau
1889: Paris Exposition, revue inn 3 acts, 9 tableaux, with Blondeau
1891: Paris port de mer, revue in 3 acts, 7 tableaux, with Blondeau
1892: Les Variétés de l'année, revue in 3 acts and 9 tableaux, with Blondeau
1893: Les Rouengaines de l'année, revue in 3 acts, with Ernest Morel
1894: La Revue sans gêne, revue in 3 acts, 9 tableaux, with Blondeau and Alfred Delilia
1894: Vive Robinson !, duo sans accords, with Blondeau and Delilia, music by Lucien Collin
1895: Tout Paris en revue, revue in 3 acts and 9 tableaux, with Blondeau
1896: Une Semaine à Paris, revue in 3 acts, with Blondeau
1897: Paris qui marche, revue in 3 acts, 10 tableaux, with Blondeau
1897: Paris sur scène, revue in 3 acts, 8 tableaux, with Blondeau
1898: Folies-Revue, revue in 3 acts, 9 tableaux
1900: Madame Méphisto, pièce à spectacle, in 2 acts and 5 tableaux, with Blondeau
1901: La Nouvelle bonne, vaudeville in 1 act
1901: Paris-joujoux, revue in 2 acts and 6 tableaux, with Blondeau
1903: Le Cirque Ponger's, bouffonnerie with extravaganza in 1 act
1903: Paris qui chante, revue féerie in 2 acts and 12 tableaux, with Blondeau
1903: Olympia, revue in 4 tableaux, with Blondeau
1904: On demande une étoile, scènes de la vie de théâtre, with Blondeau
1909: Une Affaire arrangée, comedy in 1 act, with Ferdinand Bloch