Head over Heels (British TV series)
Head over Heels is a British television comedy-drama programme lasting one series, which was broadcast on ITV from 11 January to 22 February 1993. It starred Ann Bell as Gracie Ellis, Sally Geoghegan as Catherine Ellis, Kathy Kiera Clarke as Bernadette Brennan and Elena Ferrari as Patsy Willoughby. The programme was produced at the Pinewood Studios.Premise
Comedy drama set in the 1950s, an exploit of a group of girls at a finishing school.Cast
- Gracie Ellis – Ann Bell
- Catherine Ellis – Sally Geoghegan
- Bernadette Brennan – Kathy Kiera Clarke
- Patsy Willoughby – Elena Ferrari
- Heather Brook – Diana Morrison
- Camilla De La Mer – Jackie Morrison
- Jimmy Ellis – Ian Embleton
- Alice Willoughby – Jessica Lloyd
- Stella Dunn – Gemma Page
- Jack Ellis – Michael Thomas
- Daniel – Nick Haverson
All seven episodes were written by Jane Prowse.