Harriman State Park (New York)

At, Harriman State Park is the second largest state park in New York State. Located in Rockland and Orange counties north of New York City, it is a haven for hikers with over of hiking trails. The park is also known for its 31 lakes, multiple streams, public camping area, and great vistas. The park's hiking trails are currently maintained by volunteers from the New York - New Jersey Trail Conference.
On its northeastern edge, Harriman State Park borders the Bear Mountain State Park as well as the United States Military Academy's forest reserve. To the southwest, it partly borders the state-owned Sterling Forest reserve. These areas, together with the state's Storm King forest reserve of, amount to contiguous protected forests that are substantially larger than Harriman alone.


and Mary Averell Harriman owned in Arden, New York as part of their estate. They opposed the state's decision to build a prison at Bear Mountain and wanted to donate some of their land to the state in order to build a park. A year after the death of her husband in 1909, Mary Harriman proposed to Governor Charles Evans Hughes that she would donate of land and $1 million for the creation of a new state park. As part of the deal, the state would do away with the plan to build the prison, appropriate an additional $2.5 million to acquire additional land and construct park facilities. The Palisades Interstate Park Commission would have its authority extended north into the Ramapo Mountains and the Hudson Highlands, and New Jersey would also contribute an amount of money deemed reasonable by the Commission. The state agreed and on October 29, 1910, W. Averell Harriman presented a deed for the land and a million-dollar check to the Commission.
In 1913, Major William A. Welch started construction on the road from Bear Mountain to Sloatsburg, known today as the Seven Lakes Drive. In 1962 a new road from the Southfields section of Tuxedo to Kanawake Circle was opened. There were also numerous other roads completed around Bear Mountain and Dunderberg Mountain in order to make it easier for people to reach the new park. In addition, there was steamboat service from Manhattan offering round-trip tickets for 85 cents for adults and 45 cents for children.
The park received a large influx of free labor during the Great Depression. The Civilian Conservation Corps offered thousands of young men work such as building roads, trails, camps and lakes. Projects completed by the CCC in the park included Pine Meadow, Wanoksink, Turkey Hill, Welch, Silvermine and Massawippa Lakes. In 1993, the World Orienteering Championships were held at Harriman State Park.


There are more than forty marked hiking trails in Harriman, and another 57 unmarked trails and woods road. Some of the better known trails include the following:
In addition to the hiking trails there are a number of horse trails in the southeastern portion of the park and a mountain bike trail at the Anthony Wayne Recreation Area in the northeast of the park. In winter some of the trails are open for cross-country skiing. The hiking trails are maintained by the New York - New Jersey Trail Conference.


The park lies within the Northeastern coastal forests ecoregion.


There are 32 lakes and ponds in Harriman. Some of the larger ones are:
The following parkways exist within the park;