Harrell Field
Harrell Field is five miles northeast of Camden, in Ouachita County, Arkansas. The FAA's National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems for 2009–2013 categorizes it as a general aviation facility.History
Opened in August 1942 with 4,800 turf runway. Began training United States Army Air Corps flying cadets under contract to Wiggings-Marden Aero Corp. Assigned to United States Army Air Forces Gulf Coast Training Center as a primary pilot training airfield. It had two local auxiliary airfields for emergency and overflow landings. Flying training was performed with Fairchild PT-19s and Fairchild PT-23s as the primary trainers. Also had several PT-17 Stearmans and a few P-40 Warhawks assigned.
Inactivated on 15 April 1944 with the drawdown of AAFTC's pilot training program. Declared surplus and turned over to the Army Corps of Engineers on 30 September 1945. Eventually discharged to the War Assets Administration and became a civil airport. It appears to have closed after the war about 1951, later reopened.
Trans-Texas DC-3s stopped at Camden from 1953 to 1962.