
Hampasandra is a village in the southern state of Karnataka, India. It is located in the Gauribidanur taluk of Chikkaballapura district in Karnataka. It is situated 15 km away from sub-district headquarter Gauribidanur and 60 km away from district headquarter Chikkaballapura.


According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Hampasandra village is 623694.. Hampasandra village belongs to Ramapura gram panchayat.
The total geographical area of village is 943.5 hectares. Hampasandra has a total population of 1,141 peoples with 545 males and 596 females. There are about 302 houses in Hampasandra village. Gauribidanur is nearest town to Hampasandra which is approximately 15 km away.


Agriculture the main occupation of Hampasandra people. There are no rivers of life around Hampasandra. The agriculture is rain-dependent. There are no industries in around the region.


Hampasandra has below types of facilities.