Haara Dil

Haara Dil is a 2018 Pakistani television series directed by Furqan Adam, and written by Rabia Razzaq. The serial stars Danish Taimoor and Hiba Bukhari in leads. The serial was first aired 12 April 2018 on A-Plus TV, where it aired every Thursday. It tells the story of a middle-aged couple who get pregnant much to the disappointment of their adult daughter Momina played by Bukhari and social pressure arises there from towards her love story.


The series highlight untapped topic of unexpected old age pregnancy and the intense social pressure associated with it. The story opens with a beautiful chemistry of Momina and Arham, who are in love despite the social class difference in them. Arham's Mother and sister are against his wish to marry Momina just because Momina belongs to middle-class family but both of them can't do much about it since Arham has got vote of his father who is also a friend of Momina's Father. Fairy tale love story of Momina and Arham faces an intense situation when Momina's mother gets pregnant while Momina is expected to get married in a few months. Momina's Mother decides to opt for abortion to safe her daughter's marriage but on knowing she is expected with a boy faces resistance from Momina's Father who wants to welcome his son. On knowing about the pregnancy Arham's mother also makes a big deal out of this and clearly tells Arham to forget about Momina. He is also not happy with this old age pregnancy of Momina mother but stays strong as he loves Momina so much. Twist and turn of story continues with the sudden death of Momina's Mother in delivering Sami. Sami is not welcomed by Momina and her sister as both of them blamed him for the death of their mother. After an incident when baby Sami gets kidnapped, Mominas father marry another women Femi Javeria Abbasi so, she can take care of his son but Femi brings nothing but more destructions to Momina's life. During all these hard circumstances Arham tries to be there for Momina but Arham's mother makes sure they remain apart and she gets successful with her plans by getting Arham engaged to Fizab.A must watch drama!!.
