Gypsy Sisters was an American reality television series on TLC. The series debuted on February 10, 2013. It follows the daily life of Romanichal women located in Martinsburg, West Virginia. The series serves as a spin-off to its sister show My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. The second season premiered on December 5, 2013. The third season premiered August 21, 2014. The fourth season premiered on May 31, 2015. TLC officially cancelled the series on July 30, 2015 due to low ratings.
Nettie Stanley, Nettie is Mellie and JoAnn's older sister. The matriarch of the family. Nettie is the self-proclaimed mother hen of her gypsy girls. She has nine children of her own and has multiple grandchildren. At the end of season 3, Nettie renewed her wedding vows to her third husband, Huey, after ten years. After losing her step son in a violent event, she left TV behind, and works to raise her family out of the spotlight.
Mellie Stanley, Mellie is Nettie and Joann's younger sister. Known as the black sheep of the family. Mellie wants to break away from the gypsy lifestyle. She is now a single mother to three children, Richard Joe Whetzel Stanley and has recently given birth to a baby girl, Brandy'Wyne Leveniya Picolo. Both children have different fathers. In March 2016, she found out she was pregnant with her third child. Her third child, a daughter, Divinity Rose, was born November 2016.
JoAnn Wells, Mellie and Nettie's sister. She has two kids and has recently separated from her husband of thirteen years. She's the good-natured one of the bunch. In season 3, she announced she plans to divorce her husband. In 2016, JoAnn reconciled with her husband, Belcher.
Sheila "Kayla" Williams Annie's sister. She has five children: Danielle, Sissy, Richard, Lexi, and George. Kayla and her husband of seventeen years, Richard, are now divorced. Kayla was briefly married to Adam Prather before they divorced and she is now married to Doug Cooper. She is now a grandmother as her daughter, Danielle, has a child with her husband George and her daughter Sissy, has one child with her boyfriend Bruce and they are expecting another child in 2018. Her ex-husband Richard has two children with Danielle Malone.
Angela "Annie" Malone, Kayla's sister. Annie has five kids but still has plenty of growing up to do. Annie is playful and fun and always makes the other girls laugh with her silly antics. After her Big Fat Gypsy wedding to her cousin Josh failed, Annie married James Malone, the father of her cousin Dallas' children. Jay and Annie divorced but have since reconciled and have remarried each other.
Dovie Carter Nettie, Mellie, and JoAnn's sister. Dovie is the family peacemaker and is like JoAnn.
Laura Johnston, Kayla's and Annie's sister-in-law. Laura married into the gypsy clan when she married Kayla and Annie's brother Gus. Together they have three daughters Savannah and Hailey and she recently gave birth to a baby girl, Bella.
Sheena Small, First cousin to Mellie, Nettie, JoAnn, Dovie, Kayla and Annie. She was formerly married to Mellie and Nettie's brother Henry. Together they had four girls; Shakira, Shania, Shirley, and Frankie.
Dallas Williams Nettie's oldest daughter, and mother of Demi, Richard and London. As of Christmas time 2016, she was once again reconciled with James Malone, much to his wife's - chagrin. The reconciliation between Dallas and Jay was short lived, he has since remarried Annie and Dallas is currently pregnant with her new boyfriend's child, due sometime in 2018.
Nettie "Nuckie" Williams After a marriage that produced one child, Prince Henry, Nuckie left Pookie and her son to travel the roads and see the world with her heroin addict boyfriend. As of December 2016, she had been found by Pookie and Samantha and returned to her mother at long last. Samantha later left Pookie in February and filed divorce and in March Pookie went on to pursue a relationship with Nuckie again, they recently had their second child together, a daughter named Ivory born November 2017. Shes now pregnant with baby number 3