Grahan (2014 film)

Grahan is an Assamese language romantic drama film directed by Tilak Sarma and produced by M.Choudhury under the banner of BMC Media Production, Guwahati. It stars Diganta Hazarika, Farhin Choudhury in the lead roles.The film will release in on 27 June 2014.The story, written by Bilkis Mazumdar, is based on love and friendship as seen through the eyes of the younger generation. The music is composed by Rideep Das. There are 5 songs in the movie, which also includes an item song. Nil and Parbin Sultana have performed in the item number. The songs have been sung by Mahalakshmi Iyer, Rideep Das and Poly Saikia. The song Phoole xulae's lyric has been written by famous poet Hiren Bhattacharyya. Mituparna Chakrabarty is the Choreographer and Rajiv Saikia is the cinematographer of the movie.
