Generative grammar
Generative grammar is a linguistic theory that regards linguistics as the study of a hypothesised innate grammatical structure. A sociobiological modification of structuralist theories, especially glossematics, generative grammar considers grammar as a system of rules that generates exactly those combinations of words that form grammatical sentences in a given language. The difference from structural and functional models is that the object is placed into the verb phrase in generative grammar. This purportedly cognitive structure is thought of being a part of a universal grammar, a syntactic structure which is caused by a genetic mutation in humans.
Generativists have created numerous theories to make the NP VP analysis work in natural language description. That is, the subject and the verb phrase appearing as independent constituents, and the object placed within the verb phrase. A main point of interest remains in how to appropriately analyse Wh-movement and other cases where the subject appears to separate the verb from the object. Although claimed by generativists as a cognitively real structure, neuroscience has found no evidence for it. Due to its nonstandard view of the brain, some researchers have called the scientific premises of generative grammar into question.
There are a number of different approaches to generative grammar. Common to all is the effort to come up with a set of rules or principles that formally defines each and every one of the members of the set of well-formed expressions of a natural language. The term generative grammar has been associated with at least the following schools of linguistics:- Transformational grammar
- * Standard theory
- * Extended standard theory
- * Revised extended standard theory
- * Principles and parameters theory
- ** Government and binding theory
- ** Minimalist program
- Monostratal grammars
- * Relational grammar
- * Lexical-functional grammar
- * Generalized phrase structure grammar
- * Head-driven phrase structure grammar
- * Categorial grammar
- * Tree-adjoining grammar
- * Optimality Theory
Historical development of models of transformational grammar
Generative grammar has been under development since the late 1950s, and has undergone many changes in the types of rules and representations that are used to predict grammaticality. In tracing the historical development of ideas within generative grammar, it is useful to refer to various stages in the development of the theory.
Standard theory (1957–1965)
The so-called standard theory corresponds to the original model of generative grammar laid out by Chomsky in 1965.A core aspect of standard theory is the distinction between two different representations of a sentence, called deep structure and surface structure. The two representations are linked to each other by transformational grammar.
Extended standard theory (1965–1973)
The so-called extended standard theory was formulated in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Features are:- syntactic constraints
- generalized phrase structures
Revised extended standard theory (1973–1976)
- restrictions upon X-bar theory.
- assumption of the complementizer position.
- Move α
Relational grammar (ca. 1975–1990)
Government and binding/Principles and parameters theory (1981–1990)
Chomsky's Lectures on Government and Binding and Barriers.Minimalist program (1990–present)
The minimalist program is a line of inquiry that hypothesizes that the human language faculty is optimal, containing only what is necessary to meet humans' physical and communicative needs, and seeks to identify the necessary properties of such a system. It was proposed by Chomsky in 1993.Context-free grammars
Generative grammars can be described and compared with the aid of the Chomsky hierarchy. This sets out a series of types of formal grammars with increasing expressive power. Among the simplest types are the regular grammars ; Chomsky claims that these are not adequate as models for human language, because of the allowance of the center-embedding of strings within strings, in all natural human languages.At a higher level of complexity are the context-free grammars. The derivation of a sentence by such a grammar can be depicted as a derivation tree. Linguists working within generative grammar often view such trees as a primary object of study. According to this view, a sentence is not merely a string of words. Instead, adjacent words are combined into constituents, which can then be further combined with other words or constituents to create a hierarchical tree-structure.
The derivation of a simple tree-structure for the sentence "the dog ate the bone" proceeds as follows. The determiner the and noun dog combine to create the noun phrase the dog. A second noun phrase the bone is created with determiner the and noun bone. The verb ate combines with the second noun phrase, the bone, to create the verb phrase ate the bone. Finally, the first noun phrase, the dog, combines with the verb phrase, ate the bone, to complete the sentence: the dog ate the bone. The following tree diagram illustrates this derivation and the resulting structure:
Such a tree diagram is also called a phrase marker. They can be represented more conveniently in text form, ; in this format the above sentence would be rendered as:
] ] ] ]
Chomsky has argued that phrase structure grammars are also inadequate for describing natural languages, and formulated the more complex system of transformational grammar.
Lack of evidence
, the creator of generative grammar, believed to have found linguistic evidence that syntactic structures are not learned but ‘acquired’ by the child from universal grammar. This led to the establishment of the poverty of the stimulus argument. It was later found, however, that Chomsky's linguistic analysis was inadequate.There is no evidence that syntactic structures are innate. While some hopes were raised at the discovery of the FOXP2 gene, there is not enough support for the idea that it is 'the grammar gene' or that it had much to do with the relatively recent emergence of syntactical speech.
Neuroscientific studies using ERPs have found no scientific evidence for the claim that human mind processes grammatical objects as if they were placed inside the verb phrase. Consequently, it is stated that generative grammar is not a useful model for neurolinguistics.
Generativists also claim that language is placed inside its own mind module and that there is no interaction between first-language processing and other types of information processing, such as mathematics. This claim is not based on research or the general scientific understanding of how the brain works.
Chomsky has answered the criticism by emphasising that his theories are actually counter-evidential. He however believes it to be a case where the real value of the research is only understood later on, as it was with Galileo.