
Gayabari is a tea garden village in the Kurseong CD block in the Kurseong subdivision of the Darjeeling District of West Bengal state, India.


Gayabari Tea Garden village is administrated by Sarpanch who is the elected representative of village.
Postal pin code: 734223
Postal head office: Tindharia.

Nearby cities & towns

Darjeeling: 44 km
Siliguri: 26 km


As per Indian Population Census 2011, Gayabari Tea Garden has 99 families residing in the village and has a population of 460 of which 238 are males and 222 are females. Gayabari Tea Garden village has a higher literacy rate compared to the rest of West Bengal. The total geographical area of village is 236.34 hectares. Nepali is the main language spoken in Gayabari.


The village is served by Gayabari railway station.
Bus TerminalTenzing Norgay Bus TerminasSiliguri26 km

Notable persons

Netaji Junior High School is an English-medium coeducational institution established in 1965. It has arrangements for teaching from class V to class X. It has 6 computers, a library with 344 books and a playground.


There is a primary health centres at Gayabari, with 4 beds.