Gaju Bhai

Gaju Bhai is an Indian animated television series produced by Toonz Animation, which airs on Disney Channel India. The series premiered on 18 April 2016.
Gaju Bhai typically follows a format of two 11-minute-long independent "segments" per episode. The show showcases the story of a Jollywood superstar Gaju Bhai and his transformation from a reel life hero to a real-life hero.


It was featured in the 10th Krackjack Karnival.


Gaju Bhai won FICCI's Best Animated Frames: Character of the Year and MAAC 24FPS awards in 2017.
2017Best Animated Frames AwardNew Character of the Year
2017MAAC 24FPSBest Animation TV Series


A television film Apna Bhai Gaju Bhai based on the series aired on 3 July 2016.