Flame-bladed sword

A flame-bladed sword or wave-bladed sword has a characteristically undulating style of blade. The wave in the blade is often considered to contribute a flame-like quality to the appearance of a sword. The wavy-bladed rapiers were dominant during Renaissance. Its shape rendered a genuine combat advantage and that was slowing down of opponent's sword when both came together. The two most common flame-bladed swords are rapiers or Zweihänders, although there have been other sword types with flame-blades.

''Flambard'', ''flammard'', and ''Flammenschwert''

The two-handed flame-bladed sword is called by the German Flammenschwert. These swords are very similar to two-handed sword or Zweihänder, the only difference being the blade. Like other Zweihänders they were used during the 16th century by the Landsknechts, well-trained and experienced swordsmen, who were called Doppelsöldner because they received double pay.


The flamberge is an undulating blade that is found on both long blades and rapiers. When parrying with such a sword, unpleasant vibrations may be transmitted into the attacker's blade. These vibrations cause the blades to slow contact with each other because additional friction is encountered with each wave. The term flamberge was misapplied to refer to two-handed swords and was used later to refer to cup hilt rapiers with a straight blade.
Another benefit was the ability to rend enemies. In tightly packed formations, there is a lack of space to swing a sword. By having ridges on the blade, one could simply press the blade against a foe and slide the blade.
