Family Bettoni

The Bettoni family has Camunni, Celtic, viking and Lombard, Patrician origins subsequently installed permanently in Venice and ennobled as the Bettoni Counts.
At the origins it was established in Bienno, recognised as one of the 5 Most Beautiful Villages of Italy, near the city of Brescia, in Val Camonica, Lombardy.
Lorenzo Bettoni ennobled merchant the February 18, 1684, was the first to give money to finance the war of the Republic of Venice against the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, and thus access to the Venetian nobility, offering 10 000 ducats.
The Bettoni Coat of arms is a quartered shield of silver and red with four roses on neighborhoods of one into the other, very near from MacFarlane Clan's one.
His uncle Luigi Bettoni a Dominican friar, was a preacher renamed of the Piazza San Marco of Venice.
Nicolo Bettoni, born April 24, 1770, printer, editor and typographer and friend of Firmin Didot travels in Europe, where he is presented to the Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria and to the Tsar Nicholas I of Russia, then in Paris, where he meets the Vicomte François-René de Chateaubriand, in Geneva and London with his brother Giovanni Bettoni from 1832 to 1846.
Francesco Bettoni Cazzago, born April 7, 1835 in Brescia, died May 12, 1898, son of Giacomo and Maria Bettoni Cazzago, writer and professor at the University of Padua, brother of the future Senator Ludovico Bettoni has written extensively on Brescia.
Count Federico Bettoni Cazzago was the president of the Civil Hospital of Brescia, President the Italian Red Cross, and member of the board of the Italian Commercial Bank, Grand Officer of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus and Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
His son, Count Alessandro Bettoni Cazaggo, a great rider and military career, in part in Olympic Games of London in 1948.
From another original related Brescian branch, Maria Bettoni of Bienno let their Simoni-Fè- Montholon Palace usufruct to the municipality of Bienno in 1988 that turned into a municipal library and acultural center.
The family of the current Count Bettoni Cazzago still lives in the Villa Bettoni of Gargnano on the banks of Lake Garda and exports Franciacorta from Chardonnay and Pinot grapes, produced by their Azienda of Cazzago San Martino all around the world.
