Extreme Survival

Extreme Survival is a survival television series hosted by Ray Mears. The series airs on the BBC in United Kingdom, it is also shown on Discovery Channel in the United States, Canada, India, Italy, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Russia, where he demonstrates his wilderness skills and presents tales of survival from some of the world's most difficult environments. The show was first broadcast in 1999, after the success of World of Survival from 1997–1998, and ended in 2002.


Series One

  1. Costa Rica
  2. Arctic Survival
  3. Psychology of Survival
  4. Sea Survival
  5. Geronimo
  6. Arnhemland

    Series Two

  7. Morocco
  8. Rocky Mountains
  9. Australian Desert
  10. Royal Air Force
  11. Alps
  12. Desert Island

    Series Three

  13. Belarus
  14. Rogers' Rangers
  15. Alaska
  16. Namibia
  17. Thailand
  18. New Zealand

    DVD release

The first and second series DVD, containing two discs was released on 24 March 2003. The third series was released on DVD separately on the 19 May 2003. Both sets were released by Mears' own studio, Woodlore.