
Evidey is 2019 Malayalam suspense thriller film directed by K. K. Rajeev and produced by Holiday Movies, a joint venture among Jubilee Productions, Maruthi Pictures, and Prakash Movie Tone. The film starring Shebin Benson, Asha Sharath and Manoj K. Jayan has the story by Bobby-Sanjay, screen play and dialogues by Krishan C and music by Ouseppachan. The film was shot in Idukki, Kerala and Goa. It was released on 4 July 2019.


Evidey unveils the mystery of a man missing through the story of a woman and her family in an intense search.Symphony Zacharia a famous musician is missing.Later on in the story it is revealed that his son killed him by accident by pushing him off a bridge and him drowning when his father saw him injecting drugs into himself in between the struggle
