Evangelical Lutheran Free Church

The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church is an orthodox Lutheran Church holding to the teachings of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession and sacramental, centering its spiritual life in the regenerating waters of baptism and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharistin Holy Communion.
The church aims to be grounded on Scripture, and worship services feature both preaching and the historic liturgy, incorporating parts of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism. This includes chanting the service, signing themselves with the sign of the cross, and the ancient Lutheran practice of private confession and absolution.
The ELFC-UAC teaches that the Bible is the only authoritative source for doctrine. It teaches that Jesus is the center of Scripture and the only way to eternal salvation, and that the Holy Spirit uses the gospel alone in Word and Sacraments to bring people to faith in Jesus as Savior and keep them in that faith through a daily life of sanctification.