Eugenio Coșeriu
Eugenio Coșeriu was a linguist who specialized in Romance languages at the University of Tübingen, author of over 50 books, honorary member of the Romanian Academy.Biography
Eugenio Coșeriu was born on July 27, 1921 in Mihăileni, a small Romanian town that today lies in the Republic of Moldova. He attended :ro:Liceul Teoretic „Ion Creangă” din Bălți|high school in Bălți, where Vadim Pirogan and Sergiu Grossu were his classmates. After his studies at the University of Iași, he went to Italy in 1940 with a scholarship of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura and continued to study in Rome, where he earned his PhD in 1944 with a dissertation about the influence of the Chanson de geste on the folk poetry of the southern Slavic peoples.
In the years 1944 and 1945 Coșeriu was at the university of Padua, then from 1945 to 1949 at the university of Milan.
Eugenio Coșeriu was active at the University of the Republic, Uruguay as Professor of General and Indo-European Linguistics, and then at the University of Tübingen, Germany.Honours
- Biblioteca Municipală "Eugeniu Coșeriu", Bălți
- Colocviul Internațional de științe ale Limbajului "Eugeniu Coșeriu"
- "Eugen Coșeriu" High School Mihăileni, Bălți
Selected works
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, Teoría del lenguaje y lingüística general, Madrid, 1973
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, Sincronía, diacronía e historia, Madrid, 1973
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, Principios de semántica estructural, Madrid, 1978.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, El hombre y su lenguaje: estudios de teoría y metodología lingüística, Madrid, 1985.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, Tradición y novedad en la ciencia del lenguaje, Madrid, 1977.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, Gramatica, semántica, universales, Madrid, 1978.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, Lecții de lingvistică generală, Chișinău, ARC Publishing House, 2000.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, "Limbaj și politică", in Revista de lingvistică și știință literară, 5/1996.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, „Latinitatea orientală”, in Limba Română este patria mea. Studii. Comunicări. Documente, Chișinău, 1996, p. 15-31,
- Eugeniu Coșeriu, „Unitatea limbii române - planuri și criterii”. Ibidem. p. 205-121.
- Eugeniu Coșeriu and Horst Geckeler. Trends in structural semantics.. Tübingen: Narr. 1981.