Escape Or Die!
Escape Or Die! was a Canadian reality television series produced by Farpoint Films that premiered in Canada in 2015 on OLN. Starring escape artist Dean Gunnarson, the series showed the behind-the-scenes preparations and escapes filmed in various locations around the world. The series featured Cary Tardi, Jeff Gunnarson, Ava Darrach-Gagnon, and John MacDonald as part of Dean's team that helped make the escapes happen and keep him safe. The show also featured appearances by magician and skeptic James Randi and Colombian magician Gustavo Lorgia.
The series won a Golden Sheaf Award at the 2016 Yorkton Film Festival for Best Documentary Series.Personnel
- Dean Gunnarson - escape artist
- Cary Tardi - theatrics expert
- Jeff Gunnarson - safety expert
- Ava Darrach-Gagnon - office manager
- John MacDonald - blacksmith