Hanns Eisler, who would later go on to compose the East German national anthem "Auferstanden aus Ruinen", intentionally kept the composition of "Einheitsfrontlied" simple and easy to follow, so it could be sung by workers without much musical training. In doing so, the song is quite march-like. In 1948, Eisler wrote a symphonic version, which was also sung by Ernst Busch and recorded for his Aurora-Projekt.
Cover versions
covered the song on their 1971 album Warum geht es mir so dreckig?. Hannes Wader recorded the song on his 1977 album .
German Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist, drum braucht er was zum Essen, bitte sehr! Es macht ihn ein Geschwätz nicht satt, das schafft kein Essen her. Refrain Drum links, zwei, drei! Drum links, zwei, drei! Wo dein Platz, Genosse, ist! Reih dich ein in die Arbeitereinheitsfront, weil du auch ein Arbeiter bist. Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist, drum braucht er auch noch Kleider und Schuh! Es macht ihn ein Geschwätz nicht warm und auch kein Trommeln dazu. Refrain Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist, drum hat er Stiefel im Gesicht nicht gern! Er will unter sich keinen Sklaven seh'n und über sich keinen Herr'n. Refrain Und weil der Prolet ein Prolet ist, drum wird ihn kein anderer befrei'n. Es kann die Befreiung der Arbeiter nur das Werk der Arbeiter sein. Refrain Literal translation And because a person is a person, he'll need something to eat, please! He gets tired of prattle for it does not give him food. Refrain So left, two, three! So left, two, three! To where your place is, comrade! Join up with the workers' United Front, for you are a worker too! And because a person is a person, he will need clothes and shoes! Prattle will not keep him warm, and neither will the drums . Refrain And because a person is a person, he doesn't need a boot to the face! He wants no slaves under him, and no masters above! Refrain And because a prole is a prole, no one else will free him. The liberation of the working class can only be the job of workers. Refrain Singable And just because he's a human, a man would like a little bite to eat; he wants no bull and a lot of talk that gives no bread or meat. Refrain So left, two, three! So left, two, three! To the work that we must do. March on in the workers' United Front, for you are a worker too!
And just because he's a human, he doesn't like a pistol to his head. He wants no servants under him, and no boss over his head. Refrain And just because he's a worker, no class can free him but his own. The emancipation of the working class is the task of the worker alone. Refrain