
Effium is a larger town in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. It is located in Ohaukwu Local Government Areas of Nigeria|Local Government Area.Shares common boundaries with Benue state, Ngboejogu and Izhi.it is the border town between Ebonyistate and Benue state. Effium is made up of two major Households with seven clans namely: OSATA, WOGWU,WOGBALĘ, OGBAGÉRÉ, UFFIACHA, INYAFUÕ and WAATUMA. The sub-towns in Effium are UDĘBÕ, OKPÉÉRÉ, INYIMĘGI, EKPITÕM,UBĘGU,ÕKPÕRÕ,ÕHAGÉ,OKPODUM,ENWÉNYI,WUUKÉLÉ, etc..
The town has an official Post Office and First Bank Branch but not operational.
Popular markets includes; Effium main market, Inikiri Ekpitom, and Okpere