Ecuadorian Hairless Dog

The Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is a breed of hairless dog originated from Santa Elena Peninsula in Ecuador. It is now considered the rarest breed of the hairless dogs.
This breed is characterized by an almost total absence of hair on the body and head. It is an elegant animal, with long legs and reaches a height of 15-18 inches. One of the curiosities of the Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is the absence of premolar teeth.


The Ecuadorian Hairless Dog is a descendant of the Peruvian Hairless Dog; having its origins in the neighboring country, it is not considered an official breed, but only a variant of the Peruvian, represented in the Inca pre-Columbian art from 300 B.C. There exist numerous figurines from Valdivia demonstrating a domestication of these animals as early as 4500 B.C. The Ecuadorian bald golden dog differs from the hairless dog of Peru, because the Ecuadorian has the shortest tail and does not have the premolars, the golden one is also because of its coat that turns into gold during the sunsets.
During the Spanish period its number was greatly reduced and confined to the coast of the Gulf of Guayaquil and it is currently one of the rarest breeds of dog.