Dr. Jekyll y el Hombre Lobo

Dr. Jekyll y el Hombre Lobo, also known as Dr. Jekyll and the Werewolf, is a 1972 Spanish horror film, the sixth in the series, about the werewolf Count Waldemar Daninsky, played by Paul Naschy. It was followed by a sequel, El Retorno de Walpurgis.


Paul Naschy returns as El Hombre Lobo for the sixth time as he searches for a cure to his lycanthropy by visiting the grandson of the infamous Dr. Jekyll. He is given a serum that transforms him into a Hyde-like personality in the hope that it will sublimate his werewolf self, but it results unfortunately in an even more savage monster. The film features a classic scene wherein the wolfman transforms in an elevator, much to the chagrin of a female fellow passenger. Famed Euro-horror star Jack Taylor played Dr. Henry Jekyll.
