The calculus of variations deals with functionals, where is some function space and. The main interest of the subject is to find minimizers for such functionals, that is, functions such that: The standard tool for obtaining necessary conditions for a function to be a minimizer is the Euler-Lagrange equation. But seeking a minimizer amongst functions satisfying these may lead to false conclusions if the existence of a minimizer is not established beforehand. The functional must be bounded from below to have a minimizer. This means This condition is not enough to know that a minimizer exists, but it shows the existence of a minimizing sequence, that is, a sequence in such that The direct method may broken into the following steps
To see that this shows the existence of a minimizer, consider the following characterization of sequentially lower-semicontinuous functions. The conclusions follows from in other words
is weakly sequentially lower semi-continuous, i.e., for any weakly convergent sequence it holds that.
The second part is usually accomplished by showing that admits some growth condition. An example is A functional with this property is sometimes called coercive. Showing sequential lower semi-continuity is usually the most difficult part when applying the direct method. See below for some theorems for a general class of functionals.
Sobolev spaces
The typical functional in the calculus of variations is an integral of the form where is a subset of and is a real-valued function on. The argument of is a differentiable function, and its Jacobian is identified with a -vector. When deriving the Euler-Lagrange equation, the common approach is to assume has a boundary and let the domain of definition for be. This space is a Banach space when endowed with the supremum norm, but it is not reflexive. When applying the direct method, the functional is usually defined on a Sobolev space with, which is a reflexive Banach space. The derivatives of in the formula for must then be taken as weak derivatives. The next section presents two theorems regarding weak sequential lower semi-continuity of functionals of the above type.
Sequential lower semi-continuity of integrals
As many functionals in the calculus of variations are of the form where is open, theorems characterizing functions for which is weakly sequentially lower-semicontinuous in with is of great importance. In general one has the following: When or the following converse-like theorem holds In conclusion, when or, the functional, assuming reasonable growth and boundedness on, is weakly sequentially lower semi-continuous if, and only if the function is convex. If both and are greater than 1, it is possible to weaken the necessity of convexity to generalizations of convexity, namelypolyconvexity and quasiconvexity.