
Deulia is a census town in Deganga CD Block in Barasat Sadar subdivision of North 24 Parganas district in the state of West Bengal, India.


and Deganga are located nearby.

CD Block HQ

The headquarters of Deganga CD Block are located at Deulia.


As per the 2011 Census of India, Deulia had a total population of 9,633, of which 4,938 were males and 4,725 were females. Population below 6 years was 895. The total number of literates in Deulia was 7,438.


As per District Census Handbook 2011, Deulia covered an area of 2.7393 km2. It had 5 primary schools, 3 middle schools, 3 secondary school and 1 senior secondary school. The nearest degree college was 0.5 km away at Kaulkepara. The nearest hospital was 12 km away, the nearest dispensary/ health centre was 1 km away, the nearest family welfare centre was 12 km away, the nearest maternity and child welfare centre was 1 km away and the nearest maternity clinic was 15 km away.


passes through Deulia.