Desire (2017 film)

Desire is a 2017 period erotic thriller film directed by Diego Kaplan and written by Erika Halvorsen based on an idea by Alex Kahanoff. It stars Carolina "Pampita" Ardohain in her first leading role, along with Mónica Antonópulos, Guilherme Winter, Juan Sorini and Andrea Frigerio.


On 21 December 2017, Netflix made the video available with English, Spanish or Portuguese subtitles, but the only audio is the original Spanish soundtrack.


In 2018, Netflix received online criticism claiming that the opening scene, involving a young girl accidentally having her first orgasm, was child pornography. Director Diego Kaplan defended the scene, noting, "The girls never understood what they were doing, they were just copying what they were seeing on the screen. No adult interacted with the girls, other than the child acting coach. Everything was done under the careful surveillance of the girls’ mothers." The scene uses editing, music, and sound to convey the impression that the character is accidentally masturbating.