Department of Wildlife Conservation (Sri Lanka)

The Department of Wildlife Conservation is a non-ministerial government department in Sri Lanka. It is the government department responsible for maintaining national parks, nature reserves and wildlife in wilderness areas in Sri Lanka. Forest reserves and wilderness areas are maintained by the Department of Forest Conservation. The head of the Department is the Director General of Wildlife Conservation, formally known as Warden. It was established in October 1949 with Captain Cyril Nicholas, MC as its first Warden.


Head quarters

The department is headed by the Director General of Wildlife Conservation, with it headquarters located in Battaramulla. The head office is made up of several division covering operations and administration under the preview of Directors, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors.

Field deployments

Each province as an Assistant Director assigned to it with an office located within the province. The Elephant Taransit Home and Training Center has an Assistant Director in charge of each.
The department deploys a large number of field officers and personal to manage and protect the wildlife in the national parks. They have law enforcement powers under the Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance and the Fire Arms Ordinance. They perate range offices and beat offices.
The field carder grades include;
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List of nature reserves