Defenders of the Earth

Defenders of the Earth is an American animated television series produced in 1985, featuring characters from three comic strips distributed by King Features Syndicate—Flash Gordon, The Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, and Mandrake's assistant Lothar—opposing Ming the Merciless in the year 2015. Supporting characters include their children Rick Gordon, L.J., Kshin, and Jedda Walker.
The show lasted for 65 episodes; there was also a short-lived comic book series published by Star Comics. The closing credits credit Rob Walsh and Tony Pastor for the main title music, and Stan Lee for the lyrics. The series was later shown in reruns on the Sci Fi Channel as part of Sci Fi's animation block, Cartoon Quest.
Flash Gordon has also been seen in two other animated series: The New Adventures of Flash Gordon, and Flash Gordon.


The plot begins with Flash Gordon and his son Rick escaping from Ming the Merciless, who has exhausted the natural resources of his home planet Mongo and desires to exploit Earth. Ming tries to brainwash Flash's wife Dale Arden, but she resists until death, whereafter her psyche is later included in the Defenders' supercomputer Dynac X. Later, Flash and Mandrake organize the Defenders against Ming.



Marvel Productions and King Features Syndicate worked together to develop the show. Marvel Productions had brought in consulting company Q5 Corporation to help develop the show. Q5's consultants consist of psychology PhDs and advertising, marketing and research professionals. The animation for the series were done overseas at Daewon Media and Sei Young Animation and AKOM in Seoul, South Korea, and Toei Animation in Tokyo, Japan.


Home releases

In 1987, select episodes of the show were released on four VHS cassettes by Family Home Entertainment in North America.
Roughly two decades after production was completed, the series was released around the world on DVD, featuring various episodes and packaging depending on region.


On October 10, 2006 and April 3, 2007 the series were released to DVD by BCI Eclipse Entertainment LLC in Region 1, containing all 65 original broadcast episodes in two Complete Series volumes, uncut and unedited, restored and remastered, and presented in original storyline continuity order.
These release includes interviews with story editor Bryce Malek, writer David Wise, and artist Michael Swanigan—each of whom reflect on various points of the creative process, including the origins of the characters, legal issues surrounding the properties, controversial content, and ways in which the production differed from others of its time.
Mill Creek Entertainment re-released the complete series on DVD in Region 1 on May 18, 2010.
The series is streaming on Prime Video and Tubi TV.


NEW KSM FILM has released the series in Germany:
Force Entertainment has released the series in Australia:
The first episode appears on the BCI Eclipse DVD releases for:
BCI has also released two 5-Disc sets that cover the entire series:
Selected episodes are available in the UK, in compilations including:

Hollywood DVD LTD
Delta Music PLC
The complete series was then released in the UK by Fabulous Films and Fremantle Media on February 18, 2013.


VHS-Select Video
Ondskans Makt
incl episodes - Ondskans Makt, Bröder, Dynak i Fara - Only Swedish voice

In other media


In 1987, Star Comics published a comic book series which only lasted four issues. It was written by Stan Lee and Michael Higgins with art by Alex Saviuk. The last issue featured a "next issue" caption but, #5 was never published.
In June 2013 Dynamite Comics announced the launch of Kings Watch, a new series written by Jeff Parker teaming the Phantom, Mandrake, Lothar, and Flash Gordon, taking on not just Ming, but characters from all over the King Features universe. At the time of announcement it was not known if the characters' children would appear.


There have been DOE-related books, including The Creation of Monitor, A House Divided, The Sun-Stealers and Computer Checkmate.

Action figures

A line of action figures produced by Galoob included Flash Gordon, Mandrake, Lothar, the Phantom, Ming, and Garax.

Video games

A video game was released by Enigma Variations Software in 1990, for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and Spectrum systems. It was a side-scrolling action game featuring the heroes Flash Gordon, Lothar, the Phantom and Mandrake from the series on a quest to rescue their children who have been kidnapped by Ming. The player controls Flash, and is able to call on the other characters to assist him in bypassing the defenses of Ming's castle.
