Defenders of the Earth
Defenders of the Earth is an American animated television series produced in 1985, featuring characters from three comic strips distributed by King Features Syndicate—Flash Gordon, The Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, and Mandrake's assistant Lothar—opposing Ming the Merciless in the year 2015. Supporting characters include their children Rick Gordon, L.J., Kshin, and Jedda Walker.
The show lasted for 65 episodes; there was also a short-lived comic book series published by Star Comics. The closing credits credit Rob Walsh and Tony Pastor for the main title music, and Stan Lee for the lyrics. The series was later shown in reruns on the Sci Fi Channel as part of Sci Fi's animation block, Cartoon Quest.
Flash Gordon has also been seen in two other animated series: The New Adventures of Flash Gordon, and Flash Gordon.
The plot begins with Flash Gordon and his son Rick escaping from Ming the Merciless, who has exhausted the natural resources of his home planet Mongo and desires to exploit Earth. Ming tries to brainwash Flash's wife Dale Arden, but she resists until death, whereafter her psyche is later included in the Defenders' supercomputer Dynac X. Later, Flash and Mandrake organize the Defenders against Ming.Characters
- Flash Gordon — Leader of the Defenders of the Earth: a space pilot and the father of Rick Gordon.
- The Phantom — Essentially identical to Lee Falk's character, but differing from the original in that by chanting "By jungle law, the Ghost Who Walks calls forth the power of ten tigers", he momentarily receives superhuman strength. His real name is Kit Walker. His horse Hero and wolf Devil make brief appearances. The end credits describe this Phantom by saying "This is the 27th Phantom."
- Mandrake the Magician — A hypnotist and mystic capable of manipulating others' perceptions almost at will. He is often portrayed as a secondary leader of the Defenders, and sometimes the narrator of their decisions.
- Lothar — Mandrake's assistant and bodyguard, depicted as a powerful fighter, an able mechanic, and a master tactician. The action figure's packaging describes Lothar as a "Caribbean Ninja".
- Richard "Rick" Gordon — Richard is an impulsive computer genius and the son of Flash Gordon. Rick, along with many of the other teenagers of the show, attended Central High located in Central City. Rick Gordon was initially intended to be Kit Walker, the son of the Phantom.
- L.J. — Short for 'Lothar Jr.', L.J. is the street-wise martial arts-expert son of Lothar, and Rick's best friend. When in one episode, the Defenders locate a crystal which shows them their greatest desires, L.J.'s is to defeat the antagonist 'Octon'.
- Jedda Walker — Jedda is the daughter of the Phantom and displays telepathy and limited extrasensory powers, usually expressed by communication with her black panther Kisa. There is little-or-no mention of her mother, though in one episode she is the reluctant stepdaughter of Queen Hadea. Some installments imply a relationship with Rick Gordon. Jedda Walker was initially intended to be Jedda Gordon, daughter of Flash Gordon.
- Kshin — Kshin is an orphaned boy adopted by Mandrake and trained as his apprentice. His origins are revealed in the late season episode "The adoption of Kshin", where it is shown he was a young street orphan found by Mandrake after a gang of boys tried using him as a distraction in a failed pick-pocketing attempt. He is usually accompanied by the extraterrestrial "Zuffy", initially found by Rick Gordon on the planet Mongo.
- Dynac X — Dynac X is the central computer of the Defenders' Headquarters, whose operating system is stated to contain the psyche of Flash Gordon's wife. Though she is never addressed by name in the series, the comic book adaptation of the first two episodes identifies the slain "Mrs. Gordon" as Dale Arden. Diane Pershing is the only performer from the Filmation cartoon who reprised her role.
- Ming the Merciless — A warlord or supervillain bent on exploiting Earth's natural resources, based on 'Ice Station Earth'. This version is made more grotesque than his traditional appearance to avoid racial stereotyping; a similar treatment would be used on the Mandarin in the Iron Man animated series and on Dr. No in James Bond Jr., in that all three characters received green skin and pointed ears.
- * Prince Kro-Tan — Ming the Merciless' son.
- * Princess Castra — Ming the Merciless' daughter.
- * Octon — Octon is an octopus-like artificial intelligence, equivalent to an 'evil version' of Dynac X, which advises Ming the Merciless of methods to conquer the Earth or defeat the Defenders. His name is derived from that of an opponent of Mandrake's in the latter's eponymous comic strip, wherein it identifies a crime lord also known as the 'Cobra'.
- * Garax — Garax is the leader of Ming's mechanical soldiers, the Ice Robots. He is the only one of these to recur, and the only given any distinction from the others, who are frequently slain en masse by the Defenders.
- * Mongor — Mongor is a giant serpent-like pet of Ming the Merciless.
- Kurt Walker — Aliased "N'Dama the Weather Demon", Kurt is the older brother of the Phantom. When competing in a trial with Kit for the right to become the next Phantom, Kurt won but was passed-over in favor of Kit due his father knowing that he had lied and cheated, as well as abandoning his brother after causing a rock fall that had injured him. This results in him being disinherited by their father, and the contempt he has for Kit. Kurt is specifically created for the series and has never appeared elsewhere.
- The Sky Band — A coalition of raiders depicted in the Phantom comics; here depicted as space-pirates.
- Queen Hadea — Hadea is the ruler of the subterranean 'Netherworld', where she is the latest in a dynasty of monarchs served by pale, deformed humanoids. In her first appearance, Hadea desires to take the Phantom as a consort. After later offering to heal the injured Jedda Walker, she displays a brief interest in assuming a maternal role in the girl's life. Her great ambition is to capture the powerful 'Necklace of Oros', which confers control of others in the user's presence.
- Graviton — The original owner of the Necklace of Oros, and implied to have dwelt among the Moai of Rapa Nui, Graviton is an extradimensional being of unknown origins, who seeks to recover the Necklace from Earth and establish himself as a dictator.
Home releases
In 1987, select episodes of the show were released on four VHS cassettes by Family Home Entertainment in North America.Roughly two decades after production was completed, the series was released around the world on DVD, featuring various episodes and packaging depending on region.
On October 10, 2006 and April 3, 2007 the series were released to DVD by BCI Eclipse Entertainment LLC in Region 1, containing all 65 original broadcast episodes in two Complete Series volumes, uncut and unedited, restored and remastered, and presented in original storyline continuity order.These release includes interviews with story editor Bryce Malek, writer David Wise, and artist Michael Swanigan—each of whom reflect on various points of the creative process, including the origins of the characters, legal issues surrounding the properties, controversial content, and ways in which the production differed from others of its time.
Mill Creek Entertainment re-released the complete series on DVD in Region 1 on May 18, 2010.
The series is streaming on Prime Video and Tubi TV.
NEW KSM FILM has released the series in Germany:- Defenders of the Earth – only German language – no extras
- Defenders of the Earth – only German language – no extras
- Defenders of the Earth – only German language – earlier release, no extras
- Defenders of the Earth – only German language – earlier release, no extras
- Defenders of the Earth
- Defenders of the Earth, disc 7 features the film "The Story Begins" and disc 8 the film "Prince of Kro-Tan".
- Animated All-Stars collection
- The New Adventures of Flash Gordon: The Complete Series
- Defenders of the Earth—Complete Series Volume 1 33 Episodes
- Defenders of the Earth—Complete Series Volume 2 32 Episodes '''
Hollywood DVD LTD
- Defenders of the Earth—The Story Begins
- Defenders of the Earth vol 1
- Defenders of the Earth vol 2
- Defenders of the Earth vol 3
- *The above volumes include three episodes each, covering the first eight episodes of the series and the series finale, "Ming's Thunder Lizards".
- Defenders of the Earth Movie—"The Book of Mysteries"
- *"The Book of Mysteries" combines episodes 31–35
- Defenders of the Earth Movie—"Prince Kro-Tan"
- *"Prince of Kro-Tan" combines episodes 46–50
- Defenders of the Earth Movie—"Necklace Of Oros"
- *"Necklace of Oros" combines episodes 56–60
VHS-Select VideoOndskans Makt
incl episodes - Ondskans Makt, Bröder, Dynak i Fara - Only Swedish voice
In other media
In 1987, Star Comics published a comic book series which only lasted four issues. It was written by Stan Lee and Michael Higgins with art by Alex Saviuk. The last issue featured a "next issue" caption but, #5 was never published.In June 2013 Dynamite Comics announced the launch of Kings Watch, a new series written by Jeff Parker teaming the Phantom, Mandrake, Lothar, and Flash Gordon, taking on not just Ming, but characters from all over the King Features universe. At the time of announcement it was not known if the characters' children would appear.
There have been DOE-related books, including The Creation of Monitor, A House Divided, The Sun-Stealers and Computer Checkmate.Action figures
A line of action figures produced by Galoob included Flash Gordon, Mandrake, Lothar, the Phantom, Ming, and Garax.Video games
A video game was released by Enigma Variations Software in 1990, for the Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and Spectrum systems. It was a side-scrolling action game featuring the heroes Flash Gordon, Lothar, the Phantom and Mandrake from the series on a quest to rescue their children who have been kidnapped by Ming. The player controls Flash, and is able to call on the other characters to assist him in bypassing the defenses of Ming's castle.Parodies
- A parody, called Protectors of the Earth, is made up of comic strip characters Dr. Rex Morgan, Mary Worth, Garfield and Mark Trail.
- Robot Chicken produced a sketch where Flash Gordon, Mandrake and the Phantom operated as part of a Neighborhood Watch.