David Thompson (attorney)

David H. Thompson is an American trial attorney and the managing partner of the law firm Cooper & Kirk, PLLC, a litigation boutique.
Thompson has litigated numerous high-profile cases, including civil litigation on behalf of the Duke lacrosse players, challenges to a wide variety of gun control laws around the country, civil rights claims, First Amendment challenges, and separation of powers issues. Beyond constitutional law, he has also secured several large trial verdicts in commercial disputes, including a $205 million trial verdict in AmBase Corporation v. United States. And he frequently advises government whistleblowers in qui tam matters.
Thompson has also served as a visiting professor at both Georgetown University Law Center and at University of Georgia Law School. At both institutions, he has taught classes on how to litigate high-profile cases.
Thompson was awarded an AB degree, magna cum laude, from Harvard University in 1991, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. In 1994, Thompson received a JD degree, cum laude, from Harvard Law School.