Danish National School of Performing Arts

The Danish National School of Performing Arts is a government-sponsored performing arts school housed in five different departments in Denmark. The Danish National School of Performing Arts was established in 2015 when all the Danish performing arts educations were unified in one school. Former performance institutions included Aarhus Theatre School, Odense Teater school, Aarhus Theater Playwright School, The Danish Musical Academy in Fredericia, Odsherred Theater School and the National Performing Arts School.
The School offers educational programmes at BA and MA level. DASPA educates graduates who will have a thorough knowledge about their own subject field and who simultaneously will master a cross-disciplinary and entrepreneurial mind-set. The programmes are directed toward an expanded field of employment - for performing and creating artists - and will embrace knowledge, skills and competences within the entire performing arts field. The programmes are characterised by close interaction between practice, theory and reflection, and the subject-related substance is based upon artistic knowledge.


Programmes at Bachelor Level