Craig W. Holden

Craig W. Holden is the Finance Department Chair and Gregg T. and Judith A. Summerville Chair of Finance at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. His research focuses on market microstructure. He is secretary-treasurer of the Society for Financial Studies. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Financial Markets. His M.B.A. and Ph.D. are from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. He received the Fama-DFA Prize for the second best paper in capital markets published in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2009, the Spangler-IQAM Award for the best investments paper published in the Review of Finance in 2017-2018, and the Philip Brown Prize for the best paper published in 2017 using SIRCA data. His research has been cited more than 4,300 times. He has written two books on financial modeling in Excel: Excel Modeling in Investments and Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance. He has chaired 22 dissertations, been a member or chair of 62 dissertations, and serves on the program committees of the Western Finance Association and European Finance Association.


Professor Holden's research has appeared in leading journals, including the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Review of Finance, Journal of Business, Journal of Financial Markets, Review of Corporate Finance Studies, Critical Finance Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Intermediation, Journal of Empirical Finance, Foundations and Trends in Finance, Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Mathematical Finance, and Management Science. His working papers are posted on the Social Science Research Network. His research has received attention in the Financial Times. and other media. He is best known for the following publications:
Professor Holden created three courses in market microstructure at Indiana University:
Professor Holden's book, Excel Modeling in Investments teaches students how to build investments models in Excel. It covers fixed income, portfolio management, security analysis, asset pricing, international investments, options, futures, and other derivatives. His book, Excel Modeling in Corporate Finance teaches students how to build corporate finance models in Excel. It covers time value of money, firm and project valuation, capital structure, capital budgeting, financial planning, and real options. His Excel modeling books have been translated into Chinese and Italian.
He has published papers about teaching in FEN Educator and the Journal of Financial Education.