Congenital rubella syndrome

Congenital rubella syndrome can occur in a developing fetus of a pregnant woman who has contracted rubella, usually in the first trimester. If infection occurs 0–28 days before conception, the infant has a 43% risk of being affected. If the infection occurs 0–12 weeks after conception, the risk increases to 81%. If the infection occurs 13–26 weeks after conception, the risk is 54% of the infant being affected by the disease. Infants are not generally affected if rubella is contracted during the third trimester, or 26–40 weeks after conception. Problems rarely occur when rubella is contracted by the mother after 20 weeks of gestation and continues to disseminate the virus after birth.
It was discovered in 1941 by Australian Norman McAlister Gregg.

Signs and symptoms

The classic triad for congenital rubella syndrome is:
Other manifestations of CRS may include:
Children who have been exposed to rubella in the womb should also be watched closely as they age for any indication of:
Vaccinating the majority of the population is effective at preventing congenital rubella syndrome. For women who plan to become pregnant, the MMR vaccination is highly recommended, at least 28 days prior to conception. The vaccine should not be given to women who are already pregnant as it contains a live version of the virus.
Other preventative actions can include the screening and vaccinations of high-risk personnel, such as medical and child care professions.