The school originated as an amalgamation of 'Cleethorpes Girls' Grammar School' and North Cleethorpes Secondary Modern School, becoming a comprehensive co-educational school in 1973. The grammar school dated back to 1926. Cleethorpes' corresponding former boys' grammar school became known as Matthew Humberstone School, which went comprehensive at the same time, but closed in 2010, and was replaced by St Andrew's College, Cleethorpes.
It became a comprehensive in 1973, and had a sixth form, when under the jurisdiction of the Lindsey Education Committee, based in Lincoln. It merged with North Cleethorpes Secondary School, a secondary modern school, on Elliston Street. A year later it joined the LEA of Humberside County Council, based in Beverley. In the 1980s, when still in Humberside, the school was well-regarded, with a good academic reputation.
Closure of sixth form
The sixth form was closed in July 2008 which it shared with the Matthew Humberstone C of E School, Cleethorpes' two former grammar schools. It was known as the Cleethorpes Sixth Form. By 2008 it was receiving low A level results.
Closure of the Lindsey School
In October 2009, headteacher Diane Johnson refused to return to the school, when it was reported unofficially that the school was to be placed in special measures following its Ofsted inspection. Johnson resigned officially a month later, after the OFSTED report was published, confirming the schools special measures status. She was replaced on an interim basis by Jim Cunningham who was drafted in as a result of his experience with other failing schools in the area. In March 2010 however, the schools minister accepted a proposal from Tollbar Edge to replace the Lindsey School with an academy, and it eventually closed at the end of the academic year in July 2010.
Cleethorpes Academy
Cleethorpes Academy opened at the start of the new academic year in September 2010. Since it has turned into Cleethorpes Academy, it has continued to improve with exam results improving year on year, 2012 results saw Cleethorpes Academy moving above the national average for 5+ GCSEs at grades 9-4 including English and Maths. Ofsted in 2012 have also reported that the Academy is making good progress to improve.