Christine (name)

Kristine is mainly a feminine name of Greek or Egyptian origin. It is a name in regular usage in French, English, German, Scandinavian, Dutch, Irish, and Scottish cultures, and it is often associated with the meaning "Follower of Christ." Other ways to say Kristine are Christina, Kristin, Kristina, Kristine, Kristen, Kirsten, Hristina, Krystyna, Cristina, etc. In Estonia and Finland, the cognate is Kristiina. It is a popular name; for example, in 1968, it was the 14th most frequently-given name for girls in the United States. The name Kristine can be shortened to Chris, Christie or Chrissy.


Generally, the name Christine is given in Christ's honor and in reference to Saint Christina of Tyr, remembered on the 24th of July. However, there are also many other Saint Christines, remembered on 6 February, 13 March for Christine of Persia, 24 March, 18 May for Christine of Ancyre, and 6 November.

People with the given name Christine