Chozen is an American adult animated sitcom, which aired from January 13, to March 31, 2014, on FX and which was created by Grant Dekernion. The show aired for one season.
Chozen was announced as the first original series pick-up for FXX, FX's spin-off network that launched in 2013, but was later reassigned to FX where it aired after Archer on Monday nights. The series was a collaboration between the producers of Eastbound & Down and the producers of Archer. On May 14, 2014, Chozen was cancelled after one season. Chozenseason one was released on DVD on December 16, 2014 exclusively through Amazon as a "manufactured on demand" DVD-R set. The MOD double-disc set contains three previously unaired episodes.
Chozen is a gay white gangsta rapper on a quest to rebuild his career after being released from prison.
Main characters
Phillip "Chozen" Cullens A 28-year-old, white, gay rapper. Framed for crimes he did not commit, he survived a 10-year prison sentence. Upon his release, he sets out to reclaim what is his. His music and lyrics take aim at the stereotypes of machismo and misogyny that are synonymous with rap music. Adding to the challenge of an already lofty set of goals, Chozen is ten years behind in areas crucial to a successful music career, such as technology and pop-culture in general.
Crisco A struggling rapper in his late twenties. Crisco previously worked entertaining children with positive rap lyrics. He is largely a gigolo, living rent-free as long as his girlfriend is sexually satisfied.
Ricky A DJ and fellow rapper who works alongside Crisco performing at kids' birthday parties. His catchphrase is finishing his sentences with "...and shit". He still lives at home.
Tracy Cullens Chozen's college-aged sister. She had dreams of being an Olympic gymnast, now attends classes at Palm View University. She is the only character who calls her brother by his given name. Chozen moves in with her when he's released from prison. Tracy is disgusted and embarrassed by nearly everything her brother says and does, including making passes at male classmates, farting in public and masturbating while watching movies.
Troy A stereotypical gamer and nerd. Troy is a college student who gets picked on by other students. He wants to ask Tracy out but he can't summon the courage to do so and competes against Ricky for her attention. Crisco and Ricky offer to help him lose his virginity the same way Ricky did, with a legendary Hispanic prostitute.
Hunter An openly gay college student attending Palm View. He is Chozen's former lover. Hunter constantly pursues a real relationship while Chozen desires only sex, and avoids anything involving emotions and feelings. Hunter is gullible and naïve. He leaves Chozen in the episode "Boy's Night."
Idris "Phantasm" Florentine The reigning top rapper of the hip-hop world. He is the target of Chozen's hostility. Phantasm was a former member of Chozen's crew until he got fed up with his clean image. He framed Chozen for his own illegal activities, sending Chozen to prison and sparking his own rise to the top.
Jameson Z. "Jimmy" Cromwell A 39-year-old former roadie and pyrotechnics maker, now a member of Chozen's crew. A perverted, skinny metalhead. He has since embraced the digital realm and makes his own voyeurism videos for the Internet, such as cheerleader cleavage and panty shots and women's diving team accidents.
Other characters
Jamal St. Clair A black, gay inmate with a violent streak. Chozen's first lover. He was arrested by authorities for helping run Napster though he claims he also set a man on fire. A brutally sadistic man, he attempted to remove Chozen from his crew which escalated to a fight. Jamal redeems himself and saves Chozen from violating parole by attacking the cops. He was shot and killed by the police when escaping arrest. The black officer whose nose he broke was the one who fired first.
Brooklyn ChanThe Asian-American Sneakerhead who owns the store "Laced". Chan operates his business via his smartphone. He offered Chozen's crew a gig when he heard they ran with Phantasm. But Chozen and Jamal's fist fight resulted in his store being looted.