
Chalo is a 2018 Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film written and directed by director Venky Kudumula marking his debut as a director. The film, produced by Usha Mulpuri on Ira Creations banner features Naga Shaurya and Rashmika Mandanna. It was dubbed into Hindi with the same title. Mahati Swara Sagar composed the soundtrack and the background score for the film while Sai Sriram provided the cinematography and Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao did the editing for the film. The film was extensively shot in Hyderabad. The film was released worldwide on 2 February 2018. The film received mostly positive reviews from both audience and critics, praising the comedy and the screenplay and the film became Naga Shourya's highest-grossing film in India and overseas.


The story revolves around a village which is divided into half by Telugu and Tamil people and involves many riots amongst the two sections of the village. Hari gets dragged into it as he joins a college in that village. He falls for Karthika. She eventually starts to like him and soon reciprocates it. But his life takes a new turn when he discovers that she is a Tamilian from this village. There on follows comedy of errors. How he resolves the fight and marries his love forms the crux of the story.


Music composed by Mahati Swara Sagar. Music released on Aditya Music Company.