Cape of the North

Cape of the North is a Japanese movie directed by Kei Kumai
The film, based on a novel of Kunio Tsuji, deals with the relationship between rich countries and the Third World. In the center of the story, Marie Therese, a Swiss religious missionary, meets the Japanese engineer Mitsuo aboard a ship connecting Marseille to Yokohama. Theirs is a story of impossible love.
When French star Claude Jade arrived to play the role of the nun Marie Therese, she was accompanied for the second part of the shooting by her husband Bernard Coste. For journalists, it was agreed that officially he was the private secretary. Claude Jade says: I had to hide the existence of my husband and that I was pregnant... My pregnancy also prevents me from returning to Japan for the first release of the movie! Production is estimated that this condition is incompatible with the role of a Nun, especially as the press believes me single.
The film has yet to see an NTSC release, nor even one with an English translation.