Brooklyn Bridge (TV series)

Brooklyn Bridge is an American sitcom television series which aired on CBS between September 20, 1991 to August 6, 1993. It is about a Jewish American family living in Brooklyn in the middle 1950s. The premise was partially based on the childhood of executive producer and creator Gary David Goldberg.
Brooklyn Bridge won a Golden Globe for Best Television Comedy or Musical and was nominated for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series in 1992.
Throughout the TV show there are various references to the family's origins as Jews from Poland/Russia. There are also various references and actions showing how the young boys feel as Americans.
The cast was led by Marion Ross; Art Garfunkel performed the theme song, which was titled "Just Over the Brooklyn Bridge."
In 1997, "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" was ranked #46 on TV Guides 100 Greatest Episodes of All Time.

DVD release

had announced on his official website that CBS Home Entertainment would release the complete series of Brooklyn Bridge on DVD in Region 1 in the middle of May 2010. However, the DVD was later delayed indefinitely.


Season 1 (1991–92)

Season 2 (1992–93)

Awards and nominations