BreadTube is a loose group of online content creators who make content explaining or giving editorial opinions from socialist, communist, and anarchist perspectives. The term BreadTube comes from Peter Kropotkin's The Conquest of Bread, a book explaining how to achieve Anarcho-communism and how an Anarcho-communist society would function. BreadTube creators generally post videos on YouTube which are then discussed on other platforms like Reddit.
Philosophy Tube began in 2013, with Oliver Thorn deciding to teach philosophy on YouTube for free following the 2012 increase in British tuition fees. In 2018, he changed the style of the channel to be more theatrical, utilising studio sets, costuming and makeup. His videos discuss philosophy through a left-wing perspective often informed by contemporary politics. His channel has been met with positive critical reception and garnered over half a million subscribers. His most-viewed production, with ~1.5 million views as of July 2, 2020, is a video essay on Anti-fascism explaining the philosophy of violent Anti-fascist action and defending its morality.
Hbomberguy produces video essays on a variety of topics such as film, television, and video games, often combining them with arguments from left-wing political and economic positions. He also creates videos aimed at debunking conspiracy theories and responding to alt-right and antifeminist arguments.
Ian Danskin, known for his channel Innuendo Studios, created the web seriesThe Alt-Right Playbook. Its first episode was released in October 2017. The series focuses on examining and dismantling the online culture of the alt-right and "the rhetorical strategies uses to legitimize itself and gain power." It uses drawings of simple figures on a grey background to illustrate its ideas.
Kat Blaque is a black trans woman whose videos are focused on discussing race, gender, and other social justice issues. In 2017 Blaque started a weekly YouTube series called True Tea where she answers questions that viewers send her about racism, transphobia, black culture and several other topics. In 2015, Blaque also teamed up with fellow artist and YouTuber Franchesca Ramsey to animate Ramsey's story "Sometimes You're A Caterpillar". This short filmaddressesprivilege and has since been shared on several sites, including Everyday Feminism, Upworthy, Mic, and MTV.